At the invitation of the Foreign Ministry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Observer Mission of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (hereinafter referred to as the Mission) monitored the preparation and holding of the national referendum on the construction of a nuclear power plant in the Republic of Kazakhstan, which took place on 6 October 2024.
The Mission regards the invitation of international observers as the Republic of Kazakhstan’s intention to ensure that the national referendum on the construction of a nuclear power plant in the Republic of Kazakhstan are open, transparent, and democratic.
1. Composition
The Mission included 13 accredited observers representing electoral and legislative bodies of the SCO member states, as well as diplomatic workers, and officials of the SCO Secretariat.
The Mission was led by SCO Deputy Secretary General Oleg Kopylov.
The Mission included:
On behalf of the SCO member states: Sergei Shmarlovsky, Head of the Department of Organisational, Financial Work and International Cooperation of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Belarus; Wang Tao, Minister Counselor of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Republic of Kazakhstan; Wang Biyue, Attaché of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Republic of Kazakhstan; Wang Jiacheng, Attaché of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Republic of Kazakhstan; Yao Ji, Attaché of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Republic of Kazakhstan; Bakytbek Sheripbayev, Expert of the Central Commission for Elections and Referenda of the Kyrgyz Republic; Vladimir Plyakin, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation; Anton Lopatin, Member of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation; Azizi Muiston Berdizoda; Member of the Central Commission for Elections and Referenda of the Republic of Tajikistan; Kakhramon Karimov, Head of Department of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
On behalf of the SCO Secretariat:
Iskander Baitasov, Advisor; Timur Abdullin, Senior Expert.
2. Activities of the Mission
The Mission executed its functions, guided by the Regulation “On the SCO Observer Mission at presidential and/or parliamentary elections, as well as referendums,” observing the principle of political neutrality, objectivity, and non-interference in the internal affairs of the state, in strict accordance with the national legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Ahead of the referendum, members of the Mission visited several precinct referendum commissions located in Astana and the Akmola Region in order to inspect their readiness for the referendum.
The head and members of the Mission held working meetings with representatives of the Central Referendum Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan, observers from international organisations, and representatives of the media.
The host country created the necessary conditions for the Mission to monitor the preparation and conduct of the voting process. Comprehensive information about the referendum was provided.
All the conclusions and findings of the Mission are based on personal observations conducted by the members of the Mission and factual materials collected ahead of and on the day of the national referendum on the construction of a nuclear power plant in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
3. Legal framework for holding the referendum
The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Constitutional Law “On the republican referendum,” as well as several other acts and regulations constitute the Republic of Kazakhstan’s legal framework for holding referendums.
4. The referendum on building a nuclear power plant in the Republic of Kazakhstan
A nationwide – republican – referendum was scheduled to take place on 6 October 2024 as per the Executive Order No. 636 of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 2 September 2024. Paragraph 2 in this executive order sets forth the following wording for the voting ballots: “Do you agree with the construction of a nuclear power plant in Kazakhstan?”
“Yes, I agree.”
“No, I disagree.”
In accordance with Article 31, Paragraph 2 of the Constitutional Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On the republican referendum,” over one half of citizens entitled to take part in the referendum must take part in it for the referendum to be validated.
5. Using modern information and digital technology
The Central Referendum Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan used its information systems and services during the referendum, along with a single e-government online platform of the Republic of Kazakhstan to handle information-related processes in the course of the referendum.
The Chairperson of the Central Referendum Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Acting Minister of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan executed a joint order setting forth an algorithm for operating an online data verification service at the place of voter registration for the nationwide referendum using the e-government portal.
The Central Election Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan offered extensive coverage of the activities by the Central Referendum Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan on its website (, and also extensively covered preparations for and the holding of the referendum, including detailed reports (audio, video clips) about the voting procedures, voter registrations, filling out the ballots and other elements pertaining to the referendum, as well as methodological materials.
The single e-government online platform of the Republic of Kazakhstan ( released detailed information in the “Frequently Asked Questions” section.
Voters had the option to use the portal cast their ballots using their individual identification number (IIN), as well as a short number of a call centre as provided by communications providers in an SMS message.
During the voting, eGov mobile, and Halyk applications provided for the digital identity verification, i.e., using digital identification documents.
6. Campaigning
Article 7, Paragraph 1 of the Constitutional Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On the republican referendum” guarantees that the citizens of Kazakhstan and the republic’s civil society associations have the right to speak out in favour or against the question for the referendum. Campaigning can take place by releasing campaign posters, leaflets, banners, as well as other electronic and print materials. The law also provides for holding assemblies, rallies and citizens’ gatherings, as well as campaigning in the media.
The proponents and opponents of building the NPP were free in their campaigning on the matter to be decided by the referendum all the way up to the days of silence.
On 9 September 2024, the proponents of building the NPP launched an official website for the People’s Headquarters in Favour of Building an NPP in Kazakhstan at This platform presents information on the history of nuclear energy around the world, from the number of NPPs and international experience in building them to safety standards and specific information on new-generation reactors.
In addition to this, activists launched platforms opposing the NPP’s construction.
The fact that there were platforms expressing alternative views on building the NPP demonstrates that the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan has taken practical measures to enable people to freely express their will on this matter.
The campaign on the question to be decided by referendum ended 24 hours prior to voting day.
7. Conditions for the disabled citizens
Appropriate conditions and opportunities were created for the citizens with limited capabilities to execute their constitutional rights equally and freely across the Republic of Kazakhstan.
At its first meeting on 3 September 2024, the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan adopted Statement No.38/45 “On ensuring conditions for persons with disabilities during the national referendum on 6 October 2024.”
The precinct referendum commissions have taken the necessary measures to implement the rights of citizens with disabilities and ensured conditions for unimpeded access and voting when equipping the polling stations.
Stencils with Braille for visually impaired citizens have been prepared at all polling stations visited by the Mission members.
Sign language interpreter services were provided at certain referendum stations for citizens with hearing impairments and complete hearing loss.
In addition, local executive authorities assisted referendum commissions in their work to ensure the rights of citizens with disabilities by creating conditions for their unimpeded access to the polling stations and the voting place.
On the voting day, citizens who had submitted an application were provided with a special disabled taxi service.
8. Preparations for the referendum
Work to hold the referendum was carried out at 10,325 polling station, and 78 commissions were established at diplomatic missions in 63 foreign countries to ensure the constitutional rights of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan living or stationed outside of Kazakhstan. The referendum commissions had all the necessary equipment to hold the referendum.
The voting was monitored by 177 international observers from 30 countries and representatives of 4 international organisations. Representatives of foreign media were also accredited to cover the referendum in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In accordance with Article 14 of the Constitutional Law “On the republican referendum,” a list of referendum participants was compiled for each polling station in order for citizens to execute their rights. The number of referendum participants in the list was 12,244,683.
9. Election day
On the election day, 6 October 2024, Mission members arrived at the polling stations at 07.00 am and attended the opening of polling stations and the preparation of ballot papers.
With the view to have the most complete picture of the course of the national referendum in Kazakhstan, the Mission visited 31 polling stations in the city of Astana and Akmola Region. The polling stations visited by the Mission were attended by observers from non-government associations, non-prifit entities and some international organisations and members of the media.
International observers chose the polling staions independently. The Mission members faced no obstacles to visiting this or that station.
On the referendum day the Mission observed responsible civic position during the voting and professionalism of referendum commission members.
The referendum commissions operated in a qualified, open, transparent and independent manner.
The precinct referendum commissions were fully provided with documentary materials and information and reference literature, observer registration logs, guidelines, duty schedules, evacuation schemes and other documents.
Medical stations were set up at all sites.
The media widely covered the preparations for and conduct of voting.
Voting proceeded calmly, in compliance with the established procedure and in the presence of local, public and international observers and media representatives.
No complaints or comments were received by the Mission during the observation.
10. Main outcome
The Mission notes that the referendum took place in an atmosphere of openness and transparency. It involved members of the civic society and proceeded in the conditions that enabled citizens to make an independent and informed choice.
The Mission declares that the referendum on the construction of a nuclear power plant in the Republic of Kazakhstan has been conducted in accordance with the applicable legislation and international commitments undertaken by the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The Mission recognises the referendum on the construction of a nuclear power plant in the Republic of Kazakhstan open, free and legitimate.
The Mission states that the referendum has been an important step on the way of further development of democratic processes in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation Observer Mission expresses its gratitude to the Central Referendum Commission and other Kazakhstan’s agencies for their assistance in ensuring the activities of the SCO observers in accordance with their tasks.
The Mission congratulates the people of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the successful referendum and wishes further success in their efforts to strengthen independence, sovereignty and promote sustainable socio-economic development.
Shanghai Cooperation Organisation
Observer Mission
7 October 2024