The leaders of the Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (hereinafter referred to as “the SCO” or “the Organisation”), following the meeting of the SCO Council of Heads of State held in Astana on 4 July 2024, declare the following.
Tectonic shifts are underway in global politics, economy, and other spheres of international relations. A fairer multipolar world order is being born, with broader opportunities for national development and mutually beneficial and equal international cooperation. At the same time, we see broader use of force, regular violations of international law, growing geopolitical confrontation and conflicts, and increasing risks to stability and peace in the SCO region.
The Member States consider it necessary to enhance the role of the SCO in creating conditions for stronger universal peace, security and stability, and for building a new democratic and fair political and economic world order. With this aim in view, they will adopt the SCO initiative on World Unity for a Just Peace, Harmony and Development, which they invite the international community to join.
The Member States advocate respect for the right of peoples to an independent and democratic choice of the paths of their political and socio-economic development, emphasise that the principles of mutual respect for sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity of states, equality, mutual benefit, non-interference in internal affairs and non-use of force or threats to use force, are the basis of sustainable development of international relations. They reaffirm their commitment to peaceful settlement of disagreements and disputes between countries through dialogue and consultations.
The Member States do not take part in any decisions that are aimed at interfering in internal affairs and contradict international law.
The Member States noted that the UN prestige and efficiency can be strengthened by increasing the representation of developing countries through a comprehensive reform of the UN.
Taking into account the opinions of Member States, they reaffirm the topicality of initiatives on promoting interaction for creating international relations of a new type in the spirit of mutual respect, justice, equality and mutually beneficial cooperation, as well as forming a shared vision of the idea of creating a community of common destiny for mankind and promoting dialogue on the theme of One Earth, One Family, One Future.
The Member States, relying on the similarity or unity of views on the current regional and international agendas, reaffirm their commitment to creating a more representative, democratic, fair and multipolar world based on the universal principles of international law, cultural and civilisational diversity, as well as mutually beneficial and equal cooperation with the central coordinating role of the UN.
The Member States, as per the principles of the SCO Charter and the Shanghai Spirit noted for mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality, mutual consultations, respect for cultural diversity and striving for joint development, pursue the policy of non-confrontational approach to issues of international and regional development, and countering traditional and new security challenges and threats.
The Member States point out again that unilateral and unrestrained build-up of global ballistic missile defence by individual countries or groups of countries is having a negative effect on international security and stability. They consider unacceptable the attempts to ensure one’s security at the expense of others.
The Member States stand for further strengthening friendship, trust, good-neighbourliness and cooperation. In this connection, they have adopted a Statement on the Principles of Good-Neighbourliness, Trust and Partnership.
The Member States plan to further up cooperation in matters of politics and security, trade, economy, finance and investment, and cultural and humanitarian ties with a view to build a peaceful, safe, prosperous and environmentally clean planet Earth and to achieve harmonious coexistence of man and nature.
The Member States reaffirm that Central Asia represents the core part of the SCO.
They support the Central Asian states’ efforts to ensure peace, security and stability in their respective countries and in the region as a whole, welcome the holding of regular Consultative Meetings of the Heads of State of Central Asia, and advocate the SCO’s active role in further strengthening stability and socioeconomic development of the region.
The Member States also emphasise that the strategic development goals of the SCO and the countries of Central Asia are mutually complementary.
The Member States declare that the SCO is a most important participant of the international interaction system and makes a significant contribution to regional security, sustainability and growth of the global economy, healthy lifestyles and green environment, and the promotion of social, cultural, sports and scientific ties between the SCO countries.
Remaining focused on drafting the SCO Development Strategy to 2035, the member states reaffirm their commitment to build up the potential and international influence of the Organisation as a key multilateral association of the multipolar world.
The Member States express confidence that the continuous improvement of the SCO’s efficiency will contribute to the more successful fulfilment of its goals and objectives. In this regard, guided by the decisions of the SCO Heads of States Council of 17 September 2021 and 16 September 2022, they plan to improve the SCO’s activities to ensure their conformity with the modern-day requirements and to bring the Organisation to a whole new development trajectory.
The Member States stand in solidarity in recognising the need to improve the SCO mechanisms for countering challenges and threats to security and to expand specialised cooperation in combatting terrorism, separatism and extremism, as well as drug trafficking, arms smuggling and other types of transnational organised crime.
The Member States emphasise that interaction within the Organisation can serve as a basis for forming an equal and indivisible security architecture in Eurasia.
They take measures to prevent any activity that runs counter to the principles of state sovereignty and territorial integrity on their respective territories.
While reaffirming their firm commitment to combatting terrorism, separatism and extremism, the Member States emphasise the unacceptability of the attempts to use terrorist, separatist and extremist groups for self-serving purposes. They recognise the leading role of sovereign states and their competent authorities in countering terrorist and extremist threats.
The Member States resolutely oppose acts of terror and aggressive actions against individuals and diplomatic missions and consular offices of the SCO member states, the inviolability of which is guaranteed by universally recognised statutes of international law.
The Member States emphasise that double standards are unacceptable when it comes to fighting terrorism. Terrorism in any form or manifestation cannot be justified, and condoning and harbouring terrorists must be firmly condemned by the entire international community. They consider the use of cyber space by terrorists to spread extremist ideology, including among young people, to be a serious threat.
The Member States are of the firm view that the international community must isolate and expose the countries that harbour terrorists, provide safe havens to them, and condone terrorism. They will counter cyber propaganda and disinformation campaigns waged by international terrorist organisations against the SCO Member States.
The Member States call on the international community to push for achieving consensus on the adoption of a Comprehensive Convention on Combatting International Terrorism within the UN as an important contribution to the existing framework of universal international counter-terrorism instruments.
Expressing serious concern about the media propaganda of terrorist groups, the Member States will continue to amplify joint efforts to counter dissemination of radical ideologies, any form of religious intolerance and xenophobia, aggressive nationalism, ethnic or racial discrimination. The Member States are ready to take complex measures to eliminate factors conducive to terrorism and extremism. They will continue to take resolute action against financing terrorism, recruitment activities and trans-border movement of terrorists, radicalisation of youth, and using information and communication technologies for terrorist purposes.
The Member States welcomed the Resolution on Combating Glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and Other Practices that Contribute to Fuelling Contemporary Forms of Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, adopted every year by the UN General Assembly.
Expressing deep concern about the escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the Member States strongly condemn the actions that have resulted in extensive loss of life among civilians and a humanitarian disaster in Gaza.
The Member States stress the importance of ensuring immediate, complete and stable ceasefire, as well as access to humanitarian aid, and intensifying efforts to restore peace, stability and security for all populations in the region.
The Member States note that an overarching and fair settlement of the Palestinian issue is the only path to ensuring peace and stability in the Middle East.
In the context of further progress by the Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS), the SCO has adopted a Programme of Cooperation between the SCO Member States against Terrorism, Separatism and Extremism for 2025–2027, to increase the effectiveness of combatting these three evils.
The Member States continue their joint action to strengthen the SCO’s counter-terrorism profile, including by conducting joint counter-terrorist and command-and-staff exercise, and by continuously monitoring the situation in the region using RATS resources.
The Member States noted the efforts of the Republic of Tajikistan to promote multilateral cooperation against terrorism and financing terrorism in Central Asia (the Dushanbe Process), and its intention to conduct, in cooperation with the UN, a high-level conference in Kuwait City in 2024.
To counter the threat of chemical and biological terrorism, the Member States emphasise the importance of launching multilateral talks on an international convention on combating chemical and biological terrorism, at the Conference on Disarmament.
The Member States will ensure implementation of proposals on improving SCO mechanisms to counter security challenges and threats, in view of the existing initiatives under the SCO Heads of State Council Resolution of 17 September 2021.
The Member States confirmed their readiness to strengthen exchanges and cooperation on the development of legal systems between their respective justice institutions. The Member States support experience exchanges and cooperation in law-making, legal services, judicial and expert activities, promotion of the rule of law, electronic communication development, etc.
Committed to the principles of the UN Charter, the Member States confirm that all human rights are universal, indivisible, interdependent and interconnected. They also confirm their commitments to observe human rights and freedoms, and stand against double standards with respect to human rights and interference in the domestic affairs of other States under the pretext of their protection.
The Member States highly praise the Eurasia-Antiterror 2023 joint exercise that took place in September 2023 in Kyrgyzstan.
While reaffirming their commitment to asserting Afghanistan as an independent, neutral and peaceful state free from terrorism, war and narcotic drugs, the Member States voiced their readiness to support the international community’s efforts to facilitate peace and development in that country.
The Member States reiterated once again that the establishment of an inclusive government involving multiple representatives of all ethnic and political groups of Afghan society is the only way towards attaining lasting peace and stability in that country.
The Member States noted a proposal by the Republic of Kazakhstan to establish a UN Regional Centre for Sustainable Development Goals for Central Asia and Afghanistan; the centre would be located in Almaty.
The Member States also noted an initiative by the Republic of Tajikistan to elaborate on a concept for establishing a security belt around Afghanistan.
The Member States advocate more profound practical cooperation for combating illicit drug trafficking, including efforts to thwart crimes with the use of information and communications technologies and the circulation of new psychoactive substances. They stressed the importance of honouring international drug control conventions and the relevant SCO regulatory documents. The Member States will continue to coordinate their positions on drug-related issues at specialised UN agencies and at other international organisations and entities. In this context, they praised the holding of another special event, organised by the SCO and the UN Office on Drugs and Crime on 20 March 2024 in Vienna.
The Member States will continue to advance joint initiatives to retain the current international legal framework for monitoring drugs and to prevent the legalisation the using narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances for other than medical purposes.
The Member States believe that the approval of the SCO Counter-Narcotics Strategy for 2024-2029 and an action programme for its implementation will become an effective contribution to combating the global narcotic drugs threat and building a drug-free society. They support the regular holding of counter-narcotic operations and preventive events, such as the World without Drugs, and other similar events.
The Member States decided to establish interaction between the SCO Secretariat and the Central Asia Regional Information Coordination Centre to Combat Illicit Trafficking of Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and their Precursors by signing the relevant memorandum.
The Member States find it important to consistently implement the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action on the Iranian nuclear programme. Acting in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 2231 of 20 July 2015, they are urging all the parties to unfailingly honour all of their obligations for the document’s comprehensive and effective implementation.
The Member States believe that the fastest possible enactment of the Protocol on Security Guarantees to the Treaty on a Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone in Central Asia (New York City, 6 May 2014) for all signatory states will make a substantial contribution to facilitating regional security and strengthening the nuclear non-proliferation regime.
The Member States, parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons of 1 July 1968, are calling for unfailingly honouring the Treaty’s provisions. They are urging the concerned parties to comprehensively implement all its goals and principles in a well-balanced manner, strengthen the global regime for the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, uphold the nuclear disarmament process and facilitate the equitable and mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of using nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.
The Member States insist on keeping outer space free from any types of weapons, and highlight the significance of unfailingly honouring the current legal regime that stipulates the use of outer space for peaceful purposes alone. They emphasise the need for concluding a legally binding international document that would ensure greater transparency and would provide reliable guarantees for preventing an arms race in outer space.
The Member States recognise the importance of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction (BTWC) and speak in favour of strict compliance with it and adopting a legally binding Protocol to it, which envisages an effective inspection mechanism, as well as against the creation of any mechanisms overriding the functions of the BTWC.
The Member States noted the proposal of the Republic of Kazakhstan to create an International Biosafety Agency, accountable to the UN Security Council, to implement the relevant Convention.
The Member States call for the full compliance with the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction (CWC) as an important instrument for disarmament and nonproliferation. The Member States reaffirm their support for the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and advocate for making consensus decisions in order to overcome differences within the Organisation and ensure its effective operation in accordance with the Convention. Considering the fact that the process of destruction of all declared stockpiles of chemical weapons is completed, they emphasise the relevance of continuing the work of this international technical entity, based on the interests of all states that are parties to the CWC.
The Member States consider countering cross-border organised crime a key area of law enforcement cooperation. They advocate for further strengthening of international law on countering criminal challenges and threats, while recognising the central and coordinating role of the United Nations in these processes, as well as the important contribution of the SCO and various other international and regional organisations.
The Member States noted the initiative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to consider establishing the SCO Police.
The Member States emphasise the key role of the United Nations in countering threats in information space and creating a safe information environment built on the principles of respect for state sovereignty and non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries.
The Member States reaffirm their intention to further promote cooperation to ensure international information security and call on the international community to seek consensus on adopting a Comprehensive International Convention on Countering the Use of Information and Communications Technologies for Criminal Purposes within the UN. They note that the SCO document on cooperation in countering information technology crime will become an important contribution to these efforts.
The Member States believe it important to ensure equal rights for all countries to regulate the Internet, as well as a sovereign right of the state to govern it within its national segment.
The Member States note the role of the SCO region in restoring the world economy, preserving stability of the global production and supply chains, as well as ensuring further sustainable development.
The Member States support the further improvement and reform of the global economic management architecture and will consistently defend and promote an open, transparent, fair, inclusive, non-discriminatory and multilateral trading system based on generally accepted international principles and rules, promoting the development of an open world economy, and ensuring fair access to markets, special and differential treatment for developing countries.
They also speak against any protectionist measures, unilateral sanctions, and trade restrictions that undermine the multilateral trading system and impede global sustainable development.
The Member States emphasised that the unilateral adoption of sanctions is incompatible with the principles of international law and has a negative impact on third countries and international economic relations.
The Member States advocate further promotion of people-oriented cooperation to improve the well-being and living standards of people in the SCO space. They consider it important to continue implementing the Programme of Multilateral Trade and Economic Cooperation and implement the SCO Economic Development Strategy until 2030, adopted by the interested sides, with full use of the potential of specialised mechanisms, cooperation platforms, and public venues.
The Member States emphasise the significance of effectively implementing the Action Plan for the SCO Economic Development Strategy until 2030, along with the joint initiative to develop the SCO New Economic Dialogue Programme. They supported the convening of the meeting of the heads of administrations of special economic zones of the SCO member states in Samarkand in 2024.
The Republic of Belarus, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan, and the Republic of Uzbekistan reaffirmed their support for China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). They acknowledged ongoing collaborative efforts to advance this project, particularly in terms of aligning the Eurasian Economic Union with the BRI development.
The Member States emphasise the importance of harnessing the potential of countries in the region, international organisations, and multilateral associations to foster a space of extensive, inclusive, mutually beneficial, and equitable interaction within the SCO region based on international law, mutual respect, and consideration of national interests.
They acknowledged the Russian Federation’s proposal to establish a Greater Eurasian Partnership involving SCO countries, the Eurasian Economic Union, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, and other interested states and multilateral associations.
The Member States, while sharing the international community’s aspiration to enhance connectivity, welcome all initiatives by the SCO countries in the area of transport aimed at developing fair and balanced mutually beneficial cooperation, in accordance with international law, the goals and principles of the UN Charter, and the SCO Charter.
They supported the further implementation of the Concept of Cooperation among the SCO Member States on enhancing connectivity and establishing cost-effective transport corridors (Samarkand, 16 September 2022).
The Member States welcomed the adoption of the Concept of Cooperation among the SCO member states in developing ports and logistics centres, as well as the outcomes of the SCO International Transport Forum (Tashkent, 1 November 2023).
The Member States supported the further implementation of the Agreement among the governments of the SCO member states on facilitating favourable conditions for international road transport (Dushanbe, 12 September 2014), including regular meetings of the relevant Joint Commission.
The Member States reaffirm their dedication to expediting the implementation of the Agenda for Sustainable Development until 2030 and fostering inclusive economic globalisation accessible to all. They aim to eliminate barriers and formulate unified approaches to trade facilitation. The Member States underscore the significance of enhancing cooperation among customs departments of the SCO member states, as well as establishing interaction among certification bodies.
The Member States affirmed the importance of boosting cooperation in electronic commerce, exchanging knowledge and experiences in using digital technology safeguarding consumer rights in e-commerce, and resolving online disputes.
The Member States confirm their dedication to strengthening cooperation in agriculture and ensuring food security. They aim to diversify areas of interaction with a focus on innovation and resource conservation, promoting exchanges in agricultural science. They also intend to utilise multilateral platforms such as the SCO Demonstration Base for exchanges and training in agricultural technologies to advance modern agriculture in the region.
They acknowledged the adoption of the Programme for Cooperation in the field of breeding and seed production of agricultural crops (Astana, 29 May 2024).
The Member States reiterated the significance of enhancing cooperation in e-commerce to broaden and deepen regional trade and economic collaboration. They expressed a commitment to narrowing the digital development gap and emphasised the need to collectively address associated challenges, including through the aligning of national programmes in digital economy development. The Member States welcomed the outcomes of the SCO Digital Forum and the first meeting of the Managing Commission of SCO Technopark and Innovation Cluster Pool (Almaty, 1-2 February 2024).
The Member States underscored the need for further strengthening mutually beneficial cooperation in digital economy, including through support for digital technologies development and application of the digital transformation capabilities, including digital public infrastructure for the sake of achieving digital financial inclusion.
They encourage development and responsible use of technological innovation, including innovative payment systems, and also attach importance to improving digital financial literacy and protection of consumer rights.
They welcomed the results of the 4th SCO Startup Forum (New Delhi, 19 March 2024).
The Member States emphasised the importance of further implementation by the interested SCO member states of the roadmap for gradual increase in the share of national currencies in mutual payments (Samarkand, 16 September 2022).
The Member States noted the proposal of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the establishment of the SCO Investment Fund and spoke in favour of its further elaboration. They also approved Regulations for the SCO Association of Investors.
The Member States stressed the need for providing financial support for project activities with a view to tap the Organisation’s investment potential in full and therefore for continuing consultations on the establishment of the SCO Development Bank and the SCO Development Fund (Special Account).
The Member States supported the proposal by the Republic of Tajikistan and decided to establish a mechanism for the Meeting of the Heads of Antimonopoly Agencies of the SCO member states.
The Member States are in favour of further promoting cooperation in ensuring energy security. They consider it important to have a coordinated and balanced energy transition that takes into account the interests of countries both producing and consuming traditional fuels, in accordance with national priorities and capabilities of the SCO member states.
The Member States that have opted for the use of civil nuclear energy will develop cooperation on voluntary and mutually agreed terms in the research, innovation, development and deployment of civil nuclear technologies pursuant to their national legislations.
Having welcomed the outcome of the SCO Energy Forum (Astana, 3-4 October 2023), the Member States approved the Strategy for Energy Cooperation among the SCO member states until 2030.
The Member States confirmed their intention to promote cooperation between analytical and expert centres of the SCO member states. They welcomed the results of the 19th meeting of the SCO Forum (Tashkent, 5-6 June 2024) and underlined the importance of this advisory and expert mechanism for a permanent exchange of views among scientists and experts of the Organisation’s members.
The Member States stressed the important role of the Interbank Association (IBA), SCO Business Council and youth entrepreneurship in unlocking the Organisation’s economic potential. They note the importance of promoting interregional cooperation and public-private partnerships in social and environmental areas.
The Member States reaffirm the special role of interregional cooperation within the SCO space and welcome the results of the Business Partnership Week between the SCO countries’ regions (Samarkand, 7-11 August 2023). They expressed their willingness to further promote interregional cooperation and welcomed the Russian Federation’s proposal to hold the 4th SCO Heads of Regions Forum in Omsk on 17-19 September 2024.
The Member States stated that the cultural and humanitarian dimension of the SCO was developing dynamically and spoke in favour of expanding cooperation in the field of culture and arts, preserving the rich historical and spiritual heritage and the indigenous peoples’ languages and cultures, and promoting multilingualism as an important factor in ensuring peace, cooperation, prosperity and harmony. In this regard, they noted the Republic of Uzbekistan’s initiative to develop a SCO Cultural Exchange Calendar.
The Member States noted the results of the Golden Horde and its Heritage international scientific and practical conference held at the initiative of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Turkestan, 25-26 April 2024).
The Member States noted the SCO Spiritual Sanctuaries project initiated by the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The Member States will strive to expand mutually beneficial cooperation in tourism, including agricultural, gastronomic, medical, and environmental tourism, develop tourism infrastructure using advanced technologies, and increase tourist flow between the SCO member states. They noted the adoption of the Joint Action Plan to Implement the SCO Tourism Cooperation Programme for 2024-2025.
The Member States praised the events the Republic of Kazakhstan held as part of the Almaty, the SCO Tourist and Cultural Capital in 2023-2024 project. They believe that declaring Qingdao the SCO tourist and cultural capital in 2024-2025 will also help unlock the tourism potential of the region and further strengthen cultural cooperation.
The Member States emphasise the importance of further enhancing cooperation in the sphere of education, expanding inter-university cooperation, and studying the best practices in digital education, including introducing innovative educational technologies. They advocate for the further improvement of the SCO University’s activities, including by increasing the number of participating universities and expanding training programmes. They also welcomed the proposal of the People’s Republic of China to create a SCO Digital Education Association.
The Member States note that cooperation in the field of science and technology complies with the common interest in global technological development. They will implement multilateral joint research and innovation projects within the SCO.
The Member States attach great importance to the development and application of artificial intelligence technologies. The noted their readiness to work together to prevent the associated risks in order to continuously improve the safety, accountability, reliability, trust and fairness of artificial intelligence technologies for the benefit of all humanity.
The Member States noted the significance of the creative economy as a highly important component for developing the parties’ innovation potential. They believe that support for creative industries will make their economies more competitive, will expand small and medium-sized businesses, as well as the employment market of SCO member states, including in remote and rural territories. They noted a proposal by the Republic of Uzbekistan to hold an Innovation Partnership Week involving the regions of SCO member states.
The Member States emphasised the significance of a long-standing annual tradition of awarding themed status to each 12-month period, and they praised the substantive programme of the SCO’s Year of Environment.
The Member States agreed to declare 2025 the SCO Year of Sustainable Development.
The Member States note the importance of strengthening cooperation in the sphere of environmental protection, facilitating environmental safety and security, the frugal management of natural resources, mitigating negative consequences of climate change and adapting to this process, including through technology transfers and the mobilisation of resources for meeting the requirements of developing countries. In this connection, they welcomed the signing of an agreement on cooperation in the field of environmental protection between the governments of SCO member states. They also welcomed the continuation of work under agreements formalised in the Statement of the SCO Heads of State Council to respond to climate change (Samarkand, 16 September 2022).
They welcome the approval of drafted joint approaches for addressing environmental issues, a programme for expanding cooperation between SCO member states in the field of protected territories (specially protected nature territories and protected nature territories) and environmental tourism, a joint action plan to implement the SCO’s Green Belt Programme in 2024-2026. They decided to establish an ad hoc working group of SCO member states on climate change issues.
While noting negative consequences of sand and dust storms for economic, social and environmental aspects of sustainable development, the Member States underscored the need to draft joint action plans at regional and sub-regional levels.
The Member States welcomed the results of the 3rd International High-Level Conference on the International Decade of Action “Water for Sustainable Development” in 2018-2028 (Dushanbe, 10-13 June 2024).
The Member States, while expressing concern about the negative impact of all types of waste on human health and emphasising the importance of taking practical action to combat environmental pollution, adopted the Statement on Effective Waste Management.
The Member States emphasise the importance of enhancing the SCO Youth Council activities and promoting youth exchanges. They noted the initiative by the Republic of Uzbekistan to develop a programme of events to expand youth exchanges, SCO: A Space for Creative Ideas and Initiatives of the Future.
The Member States expressed readiness to strengthen cooperation in emergency response and relief as well as preventive actions. They positively assess the SCO countries’ efforts to provide mutual assistance in emergencies and are ready to enhance mutual training and exchange of experience, including in the field of industrial safety.
The Member States are unanimous on the need to strengthen public healthcare systems and encourage the development of primary healthcare as one of the key tools for protecting public health and ensuring sanitary and epidemiological safety. They welcomed the outcome of the first SCO International Medical Congress (Bishkek, 27-28 March 2024) and noted the initiative to establish a coalition of countries on primary healthcare led by the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The Member States emphasised that access to safe drinking water is crucial for public health. In this regard, they adopted a Statement on Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation.
The Member States highlighted the need to further strengthen cooperation in physical fitness and sport. In this regard, they noted the importance of SCO sporting events such as the Kunming Marathon (Kunming, 31 December 2023) and the Issyk-Kul Marathon (Cholpon-Ata, 4 May 2024) and expressed their support for such events, which contribute to stronger friendship and mutual understanding.
The Member States welcome the UN General Assembly Resolution on Cooperation between the United Nations and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation adopted on 1 September 2023, as a confirmation of the high level of dialogue between the two organisations and recognition by the international community of the SCO’s contribution to the implementation of the UN goals, objectives and agenda.
The Member States commended the special high-level event between the SCO and the UN One Planet, One Future: Joining Efforts for Environmental Sustainability, as well as the Memorandum of Understanding between the SCO Secretariat and the UN Environment Programme signed in Nairobi on 28 February 2024.
The Member States praised the cooperation between the SCO and the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Collective Security Treaty Organisation, the Eurasian Economic Union, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the Economic Cooperation Organisation and other partner associations.
The Member States also noted the SCO’s cooperation with the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA), underscoring the CICA member states’ efforts towards its institutional development.
The Member States welcomed the outcome of the videoconference SCO-FAO Dialogue on Food Security: Sustainable Development of the SCO Member States’ Agriculture Sector in Conditions of Climate Challenges, held on 29 November 2023, as well as the updated Joint Action Plan between the SCO Secretariat and FAO.
The Member States welcome the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the SCO Secretariat in Beijing and the Executive Committee of the SCO Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure in Tashkent and commend their performance in assisting the SCO member states to promote multifaceted cooperation to ensure security and stability, sustainable development and prosperity in the region.
The Member States emphasise the historical significance of the accession of the Republic of Belarus to the SCO as a full member state.
The Member States praise the results of the Republic of Kazakhstan’s SCO Chairmanship in 2023-2024, which facilitated the organisation’s further rise in status, the improvement of its operation and expansion of multifaceted and mutually beneficial cooperation.
The SCO Chairmanship has been passed to the People’s Republic of China for the forthcoming period. The next meeting of the SCO Heads of State Council will take place in the People’s Republic of China in 2025.