The Council of National Coordinators (CNC) is the SCO body responsible for coordinating and managing the Organization's regular activities. It shall make the necessary preparations for the meetings of the Council of Heads of State, the Council of Heads of Government (Prime Ministers) and the Council of Ministers for Foreign Affairs. National focal points are appointed by each Member State in accordance with its internal rules and procedures.
The CNC meets at least three times a year. The Council is presided over by the national coordinator of the Member State of the Organization, on whose territory a regular meeting of the Council of Heads of State will be held, for a period beginning from the date of the conclusion of the last regular meeting of the Council of Heads of State and ending with the date of the regular meeting of the Council of Heads of State. The chair of the CNC, on behalf of the chair of the Council of Ministers for Foreign Affairs, may represent the Organization in external contacts in accordance with the regulations governing the work of the CNC.

National Coordinator of the Republic of India - Anand Prakash

National Coordinator of the Islamic Republic of Iran -Mehrdad Kiaeei

National Coordinator of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Murat Mukushev

Ambassador of the Department of European and Central Asian Countries at the MFA of the People's Republic of China & Acting National Coordinator - Zhang Haizhou

National Coordinator of the Kyrgyz Republic - Kazybek Kochkonov

National Coordinator of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan - Marghoob Saleem Butt

Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for SCO Affairs - Bakhtier Khakimov

Acting National Coordinator of the Republic of Tajikistan - Ahmad Saidmurodzoda